Samson: Weakness and Strength

Samson: Weakness and Strength

When we follow these bread crumbs in Samson’s story it forces us to examine our own. We often trust in our strengths and guard our weaknesses. However, the Bible tells us a different story. “Therefore I am content in my weaknesses…for when I am weak, then I am strong…” In Samson’s story, like ours, it is our areas of strength that tempt us to rely on ourselves, not our areas of weakness. Are there areas in your life today where you are too strong?

3) Samson: Aint No Sunshine

As we near the tragic heart of Samson’s story, we find opportunity and hope in the middle of pain and brokenness. If God can restore and redeem Samson, what can we learn about my journey towards restoration?

2) Samson: Beauty to Burning

How far can you stretch between who you were meant to be, and who you are tempted to be? As we continue learning from Samson, let’s take a look at the tension we so often feel in our own lives when we start to follow Christ.

1) Samson: Child of Promise

The source of Samson’s strength was in his identity as God’s servant and leader. Ever wonder why God allowed his strength to be tied to something so trivial as a haircut? Because his hair was a visual identity, an outward sign of his purpose and that he was chosen.